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Self Improvement

Simple Habits to Improve Your Life Dramatically

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Take 10 seconds right now to think about an unhealthy habit that needs to be replaced.

Drinking too much coffee, going to bed late, eating too much. What do you need to change?

Imagine how life will be after changing your bad habits into good habits. Think about it. You could live your life the way you’ve always dreamt of!

Sound like a dream? It doesn’t have to be.

In this article, learn 5 simple but powerful habits that can transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary. All in less than 10 minutes!

1. Change your morning habits

Most people believe that starting the day early is very effective for having a productive day and accomplishing goals. It’s true.

So how do you change your morning routine by waking up earlier than normal?

To start, set your alarm to wake up at 5 a.m., Monday through Friday. In the beginning, it will probably be tough. After all, consistency is key. As soon as you stop being consistent at doing something, you lose momentum.

Habits Quote by James Clear
Background Photo by Jan Kroon from Pexels

Set your alarm clock every morning to get up at your desired time. Even if you hit snooze over and over, keep setting that alarm. Eventually, you will program yourself to get out of bed and get going.

After creating a habit of waking up early every day, you will notice how beneficial it is to start the day before most people.

Waking up early allows you to get more done, which then allows you to have time to do any hobbies, spend time with family and friends, or read another best-selling book on your TBR bookshelf.

2. Get more sleep

Sleep plays a crucial part in our lives. It affects the way we feel and our overall mental health. I understand that sometimes life can get busy, especially as a stay-at-home mom, content creator, or have a “traditional” full-time job.

On average, how many hours of sleep do you get every night?

According to the CDC (2022), adults ages 18-60 should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep within 24 hours.

Tips for Better Sleep Habits

  • Avoid eating for at least 3 hours before bed. Some foods can take a long time to digest.
  • Do not consume caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime
  • Try reading for an hour or two before bed.
  • Make your room dark. Turn off or remove electronics like cell phones, computers, or TVs.
  • Only use your bed for sleep or sex
  • Get more exercise. This will help you fall asleep faster at night (usually).
  • Go to sleep at the same time every night.
Sleep Statistics and Benefits of sleep

3. Manage your time

Time management is a crucial habit that can lead to success in all aspects of life. It’s a skill that requires discipline and practice, but the benefits are worth the effort.

The best way to manage your time is to understand your priorities. What needs to get done today?

It’s important to identify the most important tasks for the day and tackle them first. This not only helps to ensure that deadlines are met, but it also helps to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

According to a study conducted by Harvard Business Review, individuals who practice good time management skills are more productive, less stressed, and have a better work-life balance.

10 Benefits of Effective Time Management

  • Increased productivity and efficiency
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved decision-making abilities
  • Increased free time for leisure activities
  • Improved work-life balance
  • Greater sense of control over one’s life
  • Increased opportunities for personal and professional growth
  • Improved relationships with colleagues and loved ones
  • Increased chances of achieving long-term goals
  • Improved overall health and well-being

How to plan your day

Start your day by writing down your three most important tasks.

Then, knock those things out of the way before the day ends. This should be easy to do.

After you finish what’s important, you will have the rest of the day to do other leisurely activities like reading a book from your TBR shelf. Or working on a business plan for success.

4. Eat a healthy diet

Did you know the food you eat can change how you feel?

Eating a natural holistic diet is good for mental health. This habit makes it easier for your mind to focus and your body to handle physical activity more.

Most people feel sluggish after eating unhealthy food. You feel full and exhausted. This is because your body has to use enough energy for digestion. The time it takes to digest fruits and vegetables is a lot less than meat like chicken, beef, and pork.

Instead of grabbing that bag of chips, get yourself a bowl of fruit to snack on. Make a smoothie if you get tired of eating whole fruit and want something different!

Check out The Essential Alkaline Diet Cookbook on Amazon

5. Set goals and list action steps

How can you get ahead with no goals and no plan? The answer is simple. You can’t.

One of the best things you can do is purchase a planner. There are physical planners and digital planners. The type you choose depends on your personal needs.

First, determine your goal. This can’t be stressed enough. Without it, you waste your time.

The next thing you have to do is figure out why you want to achieve that goal. Is it to become more physically fit? Is it to earn more income? Understand what it is that will drive you to reach your goal.

After that, create a list of action steps. This list will keep you organized instead of overwhelmed.

None of this will be effective if you do not complete the steps you laid out for yourself. If you want to make change, you must put in the effort.


If you want to improve your life dramatically, these habits are good to start with.

Start using a planner to write down your top goals and how you want to achieve them. Get enough rest and wake up earlier. Replace fast food with holistic raw food.

Change your habits starting today and I guarantee you will notice a change in your life.