mind focus
Self Improvement

Exercise Your Mind: 9 Effective Ways to Focus

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How do you exercise your mind in such a fast-paced world? Most people often have a hard time focusing effectively.

Continue reading to learn brain-boosting exercises that help you focus

What does it mean to exercise your mind?

Exercising your mind is like working your brain at the gym, building muscles for wellness. It’s learning a new language, being creative, or studying philosophy – all activities that improve your cognitive abilities while pushing your mental limits. It also means, thinking outside of the box.

What are the best ways to exercise your mind?

While you can get your mind to focus in many ways, you have to find what works for you. You see, we’re all different. For the best results, find what works best for you. Remember that.

Eat natural holistic food

Eating fast food and sugary snacks is an unhealthy habit. Too much of it can cause your ability to focus to lower significantly. A better approach than consuming greasy burgers is eating a raw food “diet”. If a completely raw diet does not work right away, consider steaming or stir-frying some of your meals.

Be cautious of what you consume, especially if you are on medications, pregnant, or have any health issues.

Read more books

Reading is probably one of the most beneficial mind exercises. There are so many genres to choose from. But, some of the best books to improve your thought process would be self-help, spiritual, and business books. If you need a boost of creativity and want to expand your imagination, try romance novels or other works of fiction.

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Reward yourself

One way coaches get their teams to work better together is to offer them rewards. For example, Simone Biles works hard to be the best at gymnastics. She knows that if she practices hard enough, the result could be an Olympic gold medal – silver or bronze.

Make a plan, complete the action steps, then reward yourself. This will tell your mind, If I work hard, then I can achieve anything in life.” The reward is the gift for focusing on your reaching your goals.


If you like writing, journaling is an amazing way to exercise your mind.

Writing requires focus. Any time you pick up a pen and write about your day, you are exercising your mind. Think about how relieved you would feel after writing down your ideas and thoughts right before bed. Your mind would have space for what matters.

Related Post: The Easy Guide to Journaling for Ultimate Self-Improvement

Study a new language

Bilingualism studies show that the brain is more effective at processing additional information and blocking distractions.

Learning a new language is challenging. But to some, it’s a lifestyle. To become fluent in a language, you have to be able to focus.

One of the hardest languages to learn is Japanese. The average time it takes a focused student to learn Japanese is about 2200 hours. Not only do you have to focus on parts of speech, but you also need to learn hiragana, kanji, and katakana.

inspirational quote

Declutter your space

Clutter is a major distraction. A home kept in shambles is far from motivating. Cleaning your home exercises the mind because you have to focus on washing, organizing, and removing items that no longer serve you.

When you cleanse your home, you make room for positive energy to fill each room. You will be able to be productive and get more things done.

Create a sacred space

A sacred space is a personal space dedicated to spiritual growth. This is a place that no one else will disturb you – a place to retreat to.

A mind full of thoughts is a mind under stress. Your sacred space serves as space to release those thoughts. As a result, you can focus on accomplishing goals, finding solutions to problems, and manifesting.

Get better sleep

Did you know that the amount of sleep you get affects most systems in the body? The immune system and mood are two examples of how lack of sleep can affect the body.

Think about it for a minute.

How do you feel when you stay up late but have to wake up early in the morning? You probably feel uneasy. No amount of coffee will get your energy going the way a good night’s rest can. Without sleep, it will be hard to concentrate on completing tasks.

Related Post: Simple Habits to Improve Your Life Dramatically


According to Harvard Health Publishing, studies have revealed that those who exercise have greater brain capacities than people who don’t.

Benefits of exercising;

  1. Muscle strength
  2. Healthy weight
  3. Increased memory
  4. Better problem-solving skills
  5. Improved sleep

However, do not push yourself too hard. It can take up to six months to notice the benefits of exercise. So with that in mind, make exercising a habit in your self-care routine. You don’t even need a gym membership. There’s walking, tai chi, and yoga. Do what works for you and allow yourself time to rest.


Exercise your mind for better focus. Consume a natural raw diet, get more sleep, or read more books. With a clear mind and fewer distractions, you can focus on the things that matter most.

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